Watters: Biden might care if illegal immigrants were amassing in Delaware instead of Del Rio
Fox News
"The Five" host Jesse Watters blasted President Biden Monday for his nonchalance during his Delaware vacation this past weekend as thousands of illegal immigrants were amassing in the Texas border town of Del Rio.
"Joe Biden was supposed to get a hold on this stuff and it's exploded under his watch. Imagine we did this to Delaware. Right?" he said, remarking that Biden would act more decisively if thousands of migrants flocked to popular beach towns like Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, Lewes or Fenwick Island.
"Imagine we shipped thousands and thousands of migrants into Delaware and they’re fishing on the bay or they’re riding Amtrak, packed in unvaxxed, with little English and no skills," he said, alluding to Biden's lifelong advocacy and patronizing of the rail service.
"Where are they going to live? In tents? Are they going to live on the beach? Are we going to put them in starter homes? You’ll have to double every classroom size of every public school district. You’re going to have to raise taxes to pay for the social services," he said.