Waterloo Catholic school board won’t hold byelection to fill vacancy
Global News
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board did not finalize plans during its trustee meeting on Monday night to fill the open trustee role.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board did not finalize plans during its trustee meeting on Monday night to fill the open trustee role.
A spokesperson for the board told Global News the trustees are seeking further legal counsel on how to proceed.
It will not be holding a byelection to replace Wendy Ashby, who announced that she was resigning two weeks ago after a controversial few months in office.
Ashby came to the forefront after a tweet of hers began to circulate around the internet. She has since deleted her account but police were called to a recent school board meeting to deal with protesters calling for her removal.
Screen captures that show Ashby’s now-deleted tweet reveal that it said, “the most dangerous creature on the planet is the white Christian male.”
She then issued an apology while the WCDSB moved to distance itself from her while also noting that it was launching a formal review of her actions.
At the same time, the board also announced it would be conducting an investigation into the incident.
The controversy continued as Ashby said she had been harassed and bullied by those with opposing viewpoints when she announced she stepping down.