WaPo called out for report on Biden's 'migrant facility for children' after hitting Trump's 'kids in cages'
Fox News
The Washington Post raised eyebrows on Monday night for a report on the first newly-opened "migrant facility for children" under President Biden, which critics compared to the "kids in cages" mantra that was pushed during the Trump administration.
The Post continued, "Government officials say the camp is needed because facilities for migrant children have had to cut capacity by nearly half because of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border has been inching up, with January reporting the highest total — more than 5,700 apprehensions — for that month in recent years." The headline, which read "First migrant facility for children opens under Biden," appeared far more charitable than the coverage the Post gave to former President Trump, particularly during the 2018 migrant crisis when the administration enforced its child-separation policy among migrant families.More Related News