Volunteer quits in disgust over $5 bottled water at 'Rock the Park,' calling it 'gouging'
A 72-year-old volunteer with the "Rock the Park" music festival says she quit in disgust after learning the only source of water at the July concert series in London's Harris Park would be bottled water sold at $5 apiece, a practice she says is akin to gouging people for their basic human rights.
The four-day music festival will take place from July 13 to 17 in Harris Park this year. It comes after after a two-year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tickets are $90 and this year's show features big name acts such as Alanis Morrisette, Garbage and the Crash Test Dummies, among others.
Some of the money from beverages sales is being donated to charities, including the London-Middlesex Human Society (LMHS) and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of London. Both charities will be deploying their volunteers at the event.
Helen Riordan, who volunteered through the LMHS said she quit after she learned that the only source of water for thirsty concert goers at the festival would come at a price.
"I was shocked to learn they were going to charge $5 a can for bottled water," she said. "I asked a question if they could have a water station where people could fill up with their own bottle of water and they guy said, 'no, that doesn't work.'"
Riordan said she was told that concert goers would be searched when they entered the venue and that any outside food or beverages, including water, would be confiscated.
"I resigned my volunteer position over this," she said. "I believe water is a human right."
Rock the Park is organized by Jones Entertainment Group, a family-run company based at Centennial Hall that also runs a number of landmark events in the city, including the Western Fair.
The company and its president Brad Jones did not return requests for comment from CBC News Tuesday or Wednesday.
The company's website includes a laundry list of things that aren't allowed at the venue, including outside food, beverages, and "in and out privileges."
It means people would not be allowed to leave the concert venue to access free water fountains at nearby Ivey Park. It means anyone who goes to the concert is forced to pay for water rather than get it for free.
Riordan said anyone bringing a child, or even a dog would have to pay for what should be considered a basic need, especially when the temperatures from July 13 to 17, which last year ranged from 21C to 29C.
"That is just ridiculous," she said. "They can charge whatever they want for beer and coolers and pop, whatever they've got, but water is a human right. They can sell the water for $5 fine, but they also need to have water stations available so that people can fill up their own water bottles."
"The solution, I believe, is the city should step in. The city should get in touch with the organizers."