Vizhinjam port: expert committee told to submit interim report in 4 months
The Hindu
Kerala govt. frames terms of reference for panel constituted to study impact of port on coastline adjacent to construction site
The State government framed the terms of reference for the expert committee constituted to study the impact of the Vizhinjam International Seaport on the coastline adjacent to the construction site.
The committee has been directed to submit an interim report within four months and the final report within six months to the State government.
According to a recent order issued by the government, the expert committee, comprising experts from various scientific institutions, was constituted to examine whether the port work had caused any coastal erosion along the shoreline and to identify specific measures to address coastal erosion, if any, in the zone of influence of construction.
According to the terms of reference, the committee would assess the extent of coastal erosion, if any, in the zone of influence of the Vizhinjam International Seaport project with particular emphasis on the period after the commencement of the construction work. If any such coastal erosion is observed, the committee would identify causes, including if on account of the construction of the seaport, and suggest measures to mitigate it.
It was also told to examine the impact of the construction and development of the port project on the various fishing activities, navigation channels, and marine ecosystems in the zone of influence of the port and suggest measures to mitigate them. The committee may conduct stakeholder consultations, wherever required. The terms of reference for the committee were framed after holding meetings at the official-level and with the stakeholders.
The Port department has been directed to provide the available relevant data, reports, and other documents to the committee as and when required for examination. Vizhinjam International Seaport Limited (VISL) should also provide office space to the expert committee. Expenses of the committee will be met from the appropriate head of account operated by the VISL, said the government order.
The panel is headed by M.D. Kudale, former Additional Director, Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune.