Video Shows 3 Boys Almost Getting Swallowed By A Hippo While Swimming
The video is a terrifying reminder of how powerful and unpredictable hippos can be.
People who go swimming are aware that sharks, crocodile and other reptiles are dangerous. The areas where they are predominantly found are usually avoided. But many people don't know about the danger that hippopotamuses pose. They appear cute and cool from the distance but in face-to-face situations, your lifespan could be reduced to seconds. An old video recirculating on Twitter shows gives a brutal warning about this. It shows three boys having some fun in a small pond and suddenly a hippo appears. No one expects the Hippo. pic.twitter.com/DExoVI8ZQG
The clip, shot in Africa, shows the massive animal emerging from the water just a few feet away from spot where the boys are swimming. After a snort from the 'horse of the river', the swimmers scream and scramble to get away.