Victor Davis Hanson: The elite class won't be affected by their own open borders agenda
Fox News
President Biden and the Democratic Party's full-scale open borders agenda will not affect those elites who are engineering it historian Victor Davis Hanson told Fox Nation on Monday.
"It sure won't affect the people who engineered it. They will be in the bi-coastal elite enclaves. And their knowledge of people who speak Spanish will be ‘Maria the housekeeper’, and ‘Juan the gardener’. And they'll feel so good about themselves – but they will never put their kids in an integrated school, or entertain, or socialize with people from Mexico," Hanson said, adding that he already is seeing this trend in the wealthy enclave of Palo Alto, Calif., where he works.
Hanson warned that the people who will likely be gravely affected in a social sense will be the descendants of legal immigrants who have assimilated into American society, as the generations of immigrants have before them.