Victim feared N.S. mass killer might come to her house, an hour before he arrived
Global News
The final victim in Nova Scotia's mass shooting knew the killer and told her daughter she was afraid he could be headed for her home, about an hour before he arrived.
The final victim in Nova Scotia’s mass shooting knew the killer and told her daughter she was afraid he could be headed for her home, about an hour before he arrived in her driveway on April 19, 2020.
A summary document released Wednesday by a public inquiry says Gina Goulet was shot at about 11 a.m. in her house in the Shubenacadie area, about 60 kilometres north of Halifax, roughly 10 minutes after a final text to her daughter Amelia Butler.
The mass killing of 22 people had begun the night before in the rural community of Portapique, 70 kilometres to the northwest, but the killer eluded police, spent the night in an industrial park and continued his rampage.
According to the exchange of text messages, also released by the inquiry, Goulet had heard and read warnings that Gabriel Wortman, a fellow denturist, had been killing people.
“Gabriel, that denturist that wanted me to work for him, he’s running loose with a gun,” Goulet wrote to her daughter.
At about 9:59 a.m. Goulet wrote, “He knows where I live …. I hope they catch him.”
Initially, the two discussed how they felt it was unlikely that the killer could reach Shubenacadie without being caught, but then the text exchange noted he was still at large.
“My anxiety just got bad,” the mother wrote at 10:10 a.m., adding another denturist had just texted her to suggest she keep her doors locked.