Vernon, B.C. rec centre referendum results raise new political questions
Global News
The referendum results moved the proposed Active Living Centre a lot closer to becoming a reality.
This weekend, Vernon, B.C. residents voted in favour of borrowing up to $121 million for a new recreation centre.
The referendum results moved the proposed Active Living Centre a lot closer to becoming a reality.
However, now that the project is officially moving forward there are also new political questions about the future of recreation facilities in Greater Vernon.
Earlier this year, outlying areas around the City of Vernon declined to participate in the Active Living Centre project and their residents didn’t take part in the referendum.
Vernon taxpayers are expected to shoulder the cost of borrowing for the project and see higher property taxes as a result.
During the referendum, the City of Vernon promised Vernon taxpayers will have discounted fees at the new facility and get to register for classes before those “who do not contribute through their taxes.”
So now that the referendum has passed, it raises questions about whether or not Electoral Areas B and C and the District of Coldstream may reconsider their financial participation in the project.
What is financed by the four jurisdictions (Vernon, Coldstream, and Electoral Areas B and C) is Vernon’s existing pool.