Varsity commissions library access software MyLOFT
The Hindu
Students, research scholars, and faculty members can access the e-resources 24x7
The Central University of Kerala has purchased the software My Library on Fingertips (MyLOFT) Library, a remote access app that will allow access to the e-resources of the university library.
The university subscribes to over 13,500 e-journals, 1,082 e-books and 14 databases such as Scopus, IEEE /CSDL, Prowess IQ, MathSciNet, J Gate, States of India, NotNull Hindi Database, CMIE Database, and SCC online.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, students are unable to access library materials physically. MyLOFT is a mobile app platform that helps libraries facilitate seamless and secure access to library subscribed premium e-resources.
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