Valerie Plante has just published her tax returns. Should the other mayoral candidates do the same?
Election day is looming and Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante has chosen to reveal the details of her tax returns.
"Montrealers know that with us, there is no hiding," the mayor stated. "The release of my tax returns, as we do at each election, reflects the integrity and lack of conflict of interest of our team and I encourage other candidates to do the same."
The Projet Montréal leader's returns show that in 2020, she had an income totalling $184,297.49, including $181,084.94 in employment and $28,740 in gross income from a rental property.
Former mayor Denis Coderre has already said he refuses to share his tax returns ahead of the election, promising only to do so if elected.
"Mr. Coderre will unveil his tax returns after the elections, as required by law," explained Ensemble Montréal spokesperson Elizabeth Lemay. "It is important to understand that it has confidentiality clauses with employers that cannot be [revealed]."