Using Trump’s own legal arguments, Pulitzer Board seeks stay of Trump defamation case while he’s in office
The Pulitzer Prize board is asking a judge to hit pause on a defamation case President Donald Trump filed against until his presidency is over, using Trump’s own legal arguments against him.
The Pulitzer Prize board is asking a judge to hit pause on a defamation case President Donald Trump filed against it until his presidency is over, using Trump’s own legal arguments against him. Trump sued the Pulitzer Board in 2022 after it released a statement standing by awarding the 2018 national reporting prize to the Washington Post and New York Times for their coverage of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its alleged connections to the Trump campaign. In their motion filed on Monday, the Pulitzer Board pointed out that Trump previously sought stays in other civil lawsuits where he was the defendant, saying the suits should be halted while he is in office because of questions of whether the US Constitution bars state courts from exercising jurisdiction over the a sitting president. This past Friday, the motion notes, Trump’s team requested a stay in a case investors in Trump’s social media company brought against him. In that case, Trump’s team argued “(c)ommonsense favors a stay of this case until the end of the President’s term,” so that “President Trump can devote his time and energies to America’s problems.” Trump made the same argument during his first term in a defamation case brought against him by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on his show “The Apprentice.” “Specifically, in his first term Plaintiff argued that if a case pending against him in New York state court was not ‘temporarily stayed, it will disrupt and impair [his] ability to discharge his Article II responsibilities,’ and he declared that ‘the effective administration of our nation provides a compelling justification to stay [the] action,’” the Pulitzer Board’s motion states.