UPSC-CSE Prelims 2022: Previous Year Questions, the proven footprints of success
India Today
Here’s why previous year's questions are your best allies for the UPSC-CSE Prelims.
The prelims are just around the corner. It’s the perfect time for sticking to a plan and executing it well. The three badges that are emblazoned on any UPSC veteran taking the right path to preparation are the three Ps -- pertinent practice, polished preparation, and proficiency in productivity.
The million-dollar question from the pursuant has been about what they can do to increase their prelims scores as well as how they can go into the exam replete with preparation and confidence? How can they attune the formidable lineup of the three Ps to their preparation process and perfectly crack the prelims with profundity?
Here’s a little secret: the UPSC prelims always have some questions that are repeated yearly. Well, that was not exactly a secret, as many people are privy to the same, but it still needed to be divulged.
Previous year questions (PYQs) are the one-stop-shop for all aspirants looking to incorporate the treble of Ps into their preparatory stretch to score the home run when it counts!
Here’s why previous year's questions have a significant role in the groundwork that is required to gear up for a successful attempt at the prize the prelims and subsequently the mains. Keep your eyes on the prize!
We are mere humans without the power of prescience. However, if there’s a pattern at play, we can predict what is to be expected.