UPSC CISF AC LDCE 2021: Written exam result declared at upsc.gov
India Today
The UPSC CISF AC LDCE 2021 written exam result is now out on the official website of UPSC, i.e., upsc.gov.
The UPSC CISF AC LDCE 2021 written exam result is now out on the official website of UPSC, i.e., upsc.gov. Candidates, who have been selected, will have to appear for the physical efficiency tests and medical standards tests. The Central Industrial Security Force will share all the details with the candidates including the date, time and venue of the physical standards, physical efficiency tests and medical standards tests to be held by them. In case any candidate, whose roll number figures in this list, does not receive any intimation regarding the same, he/she may contact the CISF Authorities, immediately.More Related News