UPSC CISF AC (Exe) Result 2022 DECLARED! Check direct link here
India Today
UPSC has declared the UPSC CISF AC (Exe) Result 2022. Here's how you can check your result.
UPSC CISF AC (Exe) Result 2022: The Union Public Service Commission, UPSC, has declared the UPSC CISF AC (Exe) Result 2022. Candidates appeared for the exam are requested to visit the official website of UPSC, i.e., upsc.gov.in, to check and download their respective results. UPSC conducted the CIF AC (Exe) 2022 exam on March 13, 2022.
Candidates who will qualify for the UPSC CISF AC (Exe) exam will be eligible to appear for Physical Standards Tests (PST)/Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) and Medical Standards Tests (MST).
Step 1: Visit the official website, i.e., upsc.nic.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the What's New section.
Step 3: Now, click on the link that reads, 'CISF AC (EXE) Result 2022'.
Step 4: A new page will appear on the screen.
Step 5: Click on the PDF link.