UPSC aspirants demand postpone of mains exam in spike of Covid-19 cases
India Today
UPSC aspirants have been demanding postponement of the Civil Services Main Exam due to rising cases of Covid-19.
UPSC aspirants who are set to appear for the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exams Mains (UPSC CSE Mains) have been demanding postponement of the exams due to rising cases of Covid-19. The UPSC CSE Mains exam will begin on January 7, 2022. UPSC aspirants have been demanding postponement of the UPSC CSE Mains exam because many candidates have to travel from other cities to exam centres. Travelling and staying at hotels amid Covid-19 will be riskier. #upscmains@DoPTGoI @DrJitendraSinghWith surge in covid cases & partial lockdown,Pls consider rescheduling the scheduled upsc mains exams which stretches for 10 days durationMany students need to travel to nearest capital city to write exam,accmdtn & travel concerning Please consider postponing of #upscmains..too n fro travel in two weeks btwn exam cities where we stay n our towns n villages in current circumstances is dangerous to our families and long years of preparation for exam. @DrJitendraSingh @DoPTGoI While schools are being closed, UPSC's decision to conduct #upscmains can result in super-spreader event, resulting in ruined careers of thousands of aspirants. @thewire_in @TheQuint @ndtv @ndtveducation @DrJitendraSingh #upscmains Majority of 9200 students travel as capital cities are centre for 10 days. Travelling from Jharkhand to Kolkata with high positivity rate. Hotel food travel-High chance of infection. Spoil yrs of hard work.Pls intervene. Postpone@DrJitendraSingh @ndtv @ZeeNewsEnglish #upscmain 2022 jan is a long process spreading across 10 days in major metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai where situation is getting worse making hotel stay and commutation via public transport difficult @PMOIndia @DoPTGoI @DrJitendraSingh please clarify