'Unconscionable,' 'egregious:' Scathing Ottawa LRT inquiry report slams senior city staff, RTG
The construction and maintenance of the Ottawa LRT project was plagued by persistent failures in leadership and saw 'egregious violations of the public trust,' a scathing new report has found.
The construction and maintenance of the Ottawa LRT project was plagued by persistent failures in leadership and saw "egregious violations of the public trust," a scathing new report has found.
The sweeping 637-page final report of the Ottawa LRT public inquiry, released Wednesday, found that both the city of Ottawa and Rideau Transit Group lost sight of the public interest during the project.
"The people of Ottawa deserve better," Commissioner Justice William Hourigan told a news conference. "There were persistent failures in leadership, partnership and communications in the construction and maintenance of the LRT."
Hourigan was tasked with investigating the circumstances that led to the breakdowns and derailments of the $2.1-billion Confederation Line since its launch in September 2019.
His report lists several reasons for the problems with the LRT. He found that the city chose unproven technology for the trains, RTG didn't coordinate the work of its subcontractors, the city rushed the LRT system into service before it was ready due to political pressure, and RTG and its subcontractors did not provide adequate maintenance.
He also lists several other factors, some of which were beyond the parties' control. And he says until everyone involved in the project understands that their first obligation is to the public, "there is reason to be concerned that the project will continue to suffer problems."
The commissioner lays out two examples of what he calls "egregious violations of the public trust" on the part of both RTG, senior city staff and then-mayor Jim Watson.