UK Strain Driving Covid Surge In Delhi, Reveals Data
Today, India reported 3.32 lakh covid cases and 2,263 deaths in 24 hours, a new record of coronavirus infections.
The UK strain is driving the Covid surge in Delhi, an analysis of samples has revealed. Data released by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) says over 400 cases of the UK strain and 76 of the Indian double mutant were found in Delhi. Some 11 per cent samples from across India show "variants of concern". A total of 1,644 cases of the UK strain have been found in India, 112 cases of the South African strain, one of the Brazilian strain and 732 cases of the double mutant that emerged in India. Cases of the UK strain almost doubled to 50 per cent in samples from Delhi in March, according to the NCDC, one of the 10 laboratories involved in the genome sequencing of the virus.More Related News