UK prime minister 'unequivocal' in solidarity with Israel amid war against Hamas: 'Barbaric acts'
Fox News
United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Monday his support for Israel is "unequivocal" amid its war with Hamas that began over the weekend.
"As the prime minister of this country, I am unequivocal," Sunak said. "The people who support Hamas are fully responsible for this appalling attack. They are not militants. They are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists. And their barbaric acts are acts of evil. Adam Sabes is a writer for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to Adam.Sabes@fox.com and on Twitter @asabes10.
"To stand with you in this hour of grief as we mourn the victims of an utterly abhorrent act of terror," he said. "To stand with you in this hour of prayer as we think of those held hostage and your friends and loved ones taking refuge in bomb shelters or risking their lives on the front line. And, perhaps, above all, I wanted to come here tonight to stand with you in solidarity in Israel’s hour of need."