UGCET-24: Candidates given one week for option entry
The Hindu
Follow preferential order for option entry in UGCET-2024, with seat allotment details in KEA Information Bulletin. Download verification slip.
The option entry for UGCET-24 candidates for professional courses, including Engineering, Architecture, and Bachelor of Veterinary Science, among others, began on July 23, and the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has given one week for the candidates to submit their options.
The candidates have been told to follow the preferential order while entering their options. For more details regarding option entry and seat allotment stages, candidates can refer to the UGCET-2024 Information Bulletin.
The link on the KEA website has been enabled to download the verification slip.
“The mock seat allotment results will be published three days after the last date for entering the options. Following this, candidates will be allowed to change their options for three days. After this period, the actual results will be declared,” said a press release from KEA.
However, the last date for option entry might be extended depending on the NEET counselling dates announcement by the National Medical Council.
“More than three lakh students wrote CET for various professional courses, and around 2 lakh students will participate in the counselling process. It will take time, and that is why we decided to open the option entry. We are expecting NMC to announce the first round of counselling dates in the next couple of days. Once they do, we will also open the option entry for NEET on our website. If students ask for more time, then we will not mind pushing the last date further,” said H. Prasanna, Executive Director, KEA.
He also said seat allotment will take place together for both CET and NEET.