Two Kingston, Ont. gymnasts off to eastern Canadian championships
Global News
The 2023 Eastern Canada Gymnastics and Trampoline Championships are this weekend and Kingston, Ont.'s Trillium Gymnastics Club is sending two of its members.
Sherbrooke, Que., is hosting the 2023 Eastern Canada Gymnastics and Trampoline Championships this weekend.
The event features the top youth gymnasts from Ontario and provinces to the east, and Kingston’s Trillium Gymnastics Club is sending two of its members.
Stella Lakins and Charlee Sage say they have been members of Trillium for as long as they can remember.
“I’ve been with my coaches now since I was eight, so I’ve been with them for a while,” Lakins said. “That’s really nice because they’ve helped me a lot through mental blocks and stuff and that’s good because they’ve been really comforting to me.”
Over that time, the athletes have been able to hone their skills to the point they will now be representing all of Ontario at this weekend’s Eastern Canada championships.
“I put in a lot of work,” Sage said. “We train 16 hours a week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Some days are four and a half hour practices.”
“I think it’s really fun because we’ve put in all the hard work and it’s good to show it,” Lakins said.
“You learn a lot from competing and the different life lessons that you can use throughout your life and I think it’s really fun to be with your teammates and cheer them on.”