Two dogs involved in 2022 fatal attack on Calgary senior to be destroyed
On Thursday, a justice ordered the two dogs be destroyed.
A judge is expected to issue a decision on Thursday about the fate of the two dogs involved in the fatal attack on Calgary senior Betty Ann Williams more than two years ago.
Earlier this month, the court heard arguments from lawyers with the City of Calgary and Denis Bagaric, the owner of three dogs that, on June 5, 2022, broke free of their yard and attacked the 86-year-old woman in the alley behind her home.
Williams was left with critical injuries and later died.
Bossii, Cinnamon and Smoki, all American Staffordshires, were apprehended by bylaw officers following the attack.
Smoki was euthanized in February.
Thursday's hearing is expected to determine the fates of the remaining two dogs, which have remained in city custody since the attack.
The city's legal team said during the June 4 hearing that all of the dogs had blood on their chests and muzzles.