Twitter Calls Out Pooja Bedi For Her "Suffocating Masks" Post. Her Response
"People are dying of COVID-19 complications every day. Check your privilege," commented a user
Pooja Bedi found herself under fire from Twitter users after she shared a post about not spending life "caged and masked for years in fear of" COVID-19. The actress, on Wednesday, posted a video of herself and her fiance Maneck Contractor riding a speedboat in Goa, where the duo currently live. In her post on Twitter, Pooja Bedi wrote: "Joys of living in healthy, happy #goa. Free your mind #NoFear. Life is meant to be lived... not spent caged and masked for a year/years in fear of a virus that's clearly not going away! If you died tomorrow after year of masking/lockdown... what would your greatest regret be?" Her caption didn't go down well with netizens did not go down well with netizens, who called her out for spreading misinformation about the pandemic on social media. However, the actress replied to a few users justifying her post. India is currently in an intense grip of a second wave of the deadly COVID-19. Joys of living in healthy, happy #goa .Free your mind #NoFearLife is meant to be lived... not spent caged and masked for a year/ years in fear of a virus that's clearly not going away!If you died tomorrow after year of masking/lockdown.. what would ur greatest regret be? pic.twitter.com/ydXG5OGsou What privilege. ?? Beaches are available and accessible to every individual irrespective of what u consider privilege... We have a large coastline in India. It's only your state of mind (fearful or positive) that makes u avail the "privilege " If i got covid.. I would do steam inhalation.. gargle with salt water.. rest... eat herbs & drink lots of kaada. Think positive thoughts & be happy that while I didn't have covid I LIVED. & if I die of covid, well I'm happy I LIVED FREELY & was not stuck in a cage for a year. They only know what they have been conventionally taught.Please look no further than densely populated Taiwan for answers and stats on keeping economy going and no lockdown. You can sneer & be as cynical as u wish! the fact remains that people have had their lives & livelihoods snatched from them thanks 2 lockdown.The stress,lack of exercise, lack of social life, lack of outdoors, livelihood challenges hav LOWERED their immunity put them MORE at risk Pooja ji, enjoy your life in private, but if you're making it public...Just please be mindful of how your actions will be copied by others.Nobody enjoys wearing masks, but if we need to wear them to protect the vulnerable, we need to! Being positive is desirable. Ridiculing masks is not! We need to act responsibly.More Related News