TV show Anupamaa's Kavya aka Madalsa Sharma wore a 10-kg lehenga for wedding scene - See pics
Zee News
Madalsa Sharma, who is married to actor Mimoh Chakraborty, says it was a challenge wearing the lehenga.
Mumbai: Television actress Madalsa Sharma says she wore a lehenga weighing 10 kilos for a wedding sequence in Rajan and Deepa Shahi's popular show "Anupamaa". The actress wore the stunning pink lehenga for the wedding sequence of her character Kavya to Vanraj Shah. Madalsa Sharma, who is married to actor Mimoh Chakraborty, says it was a challenge wearing the lehenga. "The lehenga I was wearing for my wedding weighed almost 10 kilos. It was a challenge, but I gave it my best," she said.More Related News