TV actress Prachi Tehlan opens up on horrifying incident, says she was chased by drunk men at 2 AM
Zee News
TV actress Prachi Tehlan recalled an incident where she was chased by a group of unruly, drunk men as she and her husband were driving back home at 2 AM.
New Delhi: Actress Prachi Tehlan, popularly known for her role in the show 'Diya Aur Baati Hum' recently shared one of the most terrifying incidents of her life in an interview with an entertainment portal. In a conversation with Zoom Digital, she narrated an incident where her car was followed by a group of unruly young men. The incident occured when she was returning home with her husband present in the car. It was a horrifying ordeal according to her as the men hurled nasty verbal abuses at them and the two feared what they would do next. Tehland was also suspected that the youth were drunk from the way they were behaving.More Related News