Turkey earthquake victim rescued from rubble after posting location to Whatsapp
Global News
In the since-viral video posted to WhatsApp, Boran Kubat filmed himself pinned under debris of his crumbled apartment building in Turkey.
A student in Turkey was rescued from the rubble of a destroyed apartment building after he posted a video plea to WhatsApp following a deadly earthquake that has killed more than 20,000 in Turkey and Syria.
Boran Kubat, a 20-year-old student from Istanbul, was visiting family in Malatya when the deadly earthquake violently rocked the border between the two countries on Feb. 6. Kubat, his mother, grandmother and two uncles were on the second floor of the apartment building when it crumbled.
Kubat filmed himself pinned by debris. In the video he shared to WhatsApp, there are tears in his eyes as he shares his location in hopes of being rescued.
“Whoever sees this WhatsApp status, please come and help,” he said in Turkish. “Please everyone come and rescue us now.”
He said in the video that his mother’s condition was OK, though he couldn’t hear his two uncles well.
After five to six hours in the rubble, Kubat was indeed rescued, according to Anadolu Agency.
“I had my phone with me, so I thought if I shared a video on social media, my friends could see it and they could reach us,” he told Anadolu. “They finally found us, me and my mother. They are now trying to rescue one of my uncles, but another uncle and my grandmother are still trapped.”