Tucker Carlson: We don't know who the Afghan refugees are
Fox News
Tucker Carlson addresses the number of Afghan refugees being resettled in the United States and the bipartisan effort to force Americans to accept it.
That turned out to be a massive miscalculation, that is now. The decision to abandon Bagram Airfield was idiotic. It led directly to the killing of 13 American servicemen yesterday. With Bagram abandoned, the evacuation of Afghanistan is being staged from a commercial airport in the capital. Given its location, Kabul’s airport is almost impossible to defend. Yet despite that it can’t be defended, it remains the only way for American citizens to get out of the country. As Bill Rogio, editor of the Long War Journal, put it, abandoning Bagram airbase quote, "is the perfect example of the generals just saluting, saying ‘yes, sir’ and ‘can do’ and not standing up and saying, ‘This is madness, and I can’t execute this because I’m putting the lives of Americans at risk, and you need to find someone else to do this.’" Tragically no one in authority was brave enough to say that. Instead, at every turn, they made unwise decisions that seemed designed to make the country they serve weaker—to humiliate the United States. Now, these very same people are overseeing what may be the largest airlift in generations, of thousands of Afghan citizens to the west and this country. How’s that airlift going? You hear a lot about it, but very few details. Who exactly are these Afghans, many of whom are on their way here? The truth is, despite what they’re telling you, we have no real idea. We don’t know. We just learned, for example, that at least 100 of the refugees U.S. military has flown out of Kabul — people we’re told are heroes — are in fact on terror watch lists. One man we evacuated apparently works for ISIS. Today, an Afghan interpreter told Fox News that this kind of thing is happening constantly. People are getting on planes in Kabul without any proof of identification whatsoever. It’s like voting in California:More Related News

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