Tucker Carlson: The White House has new instructions for Americans - lower your expectations
Fox News
Tucker Carlson reveals how Democrats are trying to make Americans believe that the country has always been dysfunctional and crime-ridden.
And yet that's exactly what happened just days into the BLM hysteria last summer. A police station was burning, and the implication of that was very clear. This is why we don't allow police stations to get burned because the message it sends is this: the police can't protect you, They can't even protect themselves. So the police aren't in charge. Legitimate authority is gone. The mob is now in charge.
So as this is happening, there happens to be, as noted, a reporter standing right there with a microphone and a camera taking those pictures directly into your living room. That reporter, was called Ali Velshi, and he's famously not super bright, but he was on the scene. Here is how he described what was happening right behind him.