Tucker Carlson: Someone is lying about the Afghanistan debacle
Fox News
Tucker Carlson reacts to Milley testifying in the U.S. Senate, and reveals the only person who has been fired over the situation in Afghanistan.
It was all pretty amusing in a dark way, but it did make you wonder: what is this about? Why is Mark Milley saying something so obvious preposterous? It’s got to be helping him in some way. And indeed it was helping him. What you watched in the Senate hearing today was pure blame-shifting. Joe Biden’s foreign policy is a legitimate disaster. No one disputes that. Mark Milley wants you to know that none of it is his fault. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wants you to know that too. So does the head of Central Command, General McKenzie. All three of them want to make it crystal clear that the senile guy in the White House did this. It’s his fault, not theirs. It was Joe Biden, they told us today, who forced American troops to leave Afghanistan before we evacuated all American citizens. Because the Pentagon reflexively follows every order from the president to the letter, they had no choice but to obey these crazy decisions. They explained:
COTTON: General Milley, it’s your testimony that you recommended 2,500 troops approximately stay in Afghanistan?