TUCKER CARLSON: Open race hate forms much of MSNBC's substance
Fox News
Fox News host Tucker Carlson shreds MSNBC for broadcasting race hate and explains the dangers of such harsh rhetoric on Wednesday's "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
Entire Tutsi families were dragged from their homes and hacked to death with machetes. Hundreds of thousands of women were raped. The world watched in horror as it happened but did nothing to intervene. Instead, our leaders told us at the time, the genocide in Rwanda would live forever as a lesson to the rest of us about the capacity for evil that lurks inside every human heart and the dangers of reducing our neighbors to the sum total of their ethnicity. They're individuals, not ethnic groups.
Bill Clinton gave an eloquent speech actually on the subject in Kigali back in 1998. Look it up and ask yourself as you read it, if any Democratic Party official could today say those same words.