Tucker Carlson: Martha's Vineyard residents are so proud of the way they handled migrants
Fox News
Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to illegal migrants being sent to Martha's Vineyard and then being led out of the town by the Army on Monday's "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
The Brown people are leaving. We're so excited. Go, Brown people, go. Don't come home. If you're not my housekeeper, get off the island. So, it may seem like they're bigots. I mean, what's the other conclusion? But no, according to CNN, they're just grateful. They were clapping in gratitude for Ron DeSantis and what he did, the gift that he gave them. Here's an actual CNN headline.
We didn't believe this was real, but it is and we're quoting:"'They enriched us’: Migrants' 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha's Vineyard." 44 hours! Wow, that didn't take long to leave an indelible mark. Less than two days in the same zip code with Venezuelans and their lives are changed forever. Does this remind you of the kid in your class who adopted a Spanish accent after a spring break in Cabo or the guy who converted to Islam because he once switched planes in Dubai? It seems a little premature, right?