Tucker Carlson: Fauci, the WHO, and mainstream media lied about COVID origins for more than a year
Fox News
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host examines Anthony Fauci's past statements on COVID, saying he lied for a year on the virus's origins.
At other parts of Michael Gerson’s own newspaper, we’ve learned, they’re working on new stories about how the virus did in fact escape from the lab in Wuhan. So, the debate among serious people over the origins of COVID appears to be pretty much winding up. Pretty much every sane person acknowledges at this point that the government of China likely caused the single worst man-made disaster in human history. As if we need more evidence, over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported that the first people infected with COVID-19 were probably researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In November of 2019, three of them were taken to the hospital with symptoms. The Journal did solid reporting, but it wasn’t entirely new. Back in January of this year, the State Department issued a fact sheet telling the entire country the same thing. They said the first COVID patients were not hungry patrons of the local wet market, reckless diners who gorged themselves on pangolin and bats. No, they weren’t. The first patients were researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Clearly, they’d been infected at work, while working on the virus. If you were trying to understand where COVID came from, and you should be if you want to prevent future pandemics, that State Department in January told you a lot. Yet it was ignored.More Related News