Tucker Carlson: Abolishing the suburbs is major part of Biden administration's infrastructure plan
Fox News
Tucker Carlson examines the Biden administration's plan to centralize power for Democrats by eliminating the suburbs.
In court, the Obama administration explained the reasoning. They singled out Westchester's practice of "standard zoning." That referred to county regulations that restricted the heights on certain buildings and limited the placement of sewers to protect drinking water"—it sounds reasonable. But according to the Obama administration, those were "restrictive practices." "Restrictive practices" is a legal term that, under civil rights law, means they were racist. And because they were racist, the Obama administration withheld more than $20 million in federal funds from Westchester County. If the county wanted the money, it would have to construct 10,000 low-income, high-density, very non-racist apartments. This battle went on for all eight years of the Obama administration and got very little news coverage. To its credit, Westchester fought back, because it could afford good lawyers, and eventually won in court. But most jurisdictions are not as rich as Westchester so they had to relent. Under pressure from federal ideologues, communities in Oregon and Minneapolis, for example, have abolished single-family zoning in recent years. Why is this happening? The goal isn't to eliminate racism. The goal is to eliminate suburbs. So rather than improve the lives of people who live in crappy places, the goal is to destroy the lives of people who live in nice places. Why would you want to do that? There’s a very clear political reason. Suburbs are typically purple politically. Republicans win as often as Democrats. If your goal was to make America a one-party state, you’d Republicans can win just as Democrats can but if your goal is to make the country a one-party state, you want to change this. You want to make suburbs into cities and if you did that, you’d win every time. Democrats win cities. Of the ten biggest cities in the United States, Democrats run nine of them. Of the 50 biggest cities, they control two-thirds. It doesn’t mean they are good at running cities, they’re not. Many are on the verge of collapse. But running things isn’t the point. Winning elections is the point. Democrats are happy to admit this. Here’s Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts from yesterday. Ayanna Pressley, MSNBC, June 27: This is about human and physical infrastructure. Progressives in Congress have been leading this fight. Care economy is infrastructure. Climate justice is infrastructure. Housing justice infrastructure. Public transit justice is infrastructure. These bold investments must be made to support workers and families in order for us to have a just, equitable, robust recovery from this pandemicMore Related News