Trump seizes on Biden’s re-election woes, mocks Harris as ‘insurance’
Al Jazeera
Republican contender sarcastically praises Biden for ‘brilliant decision’ to appoint Vice President Kamala Harris.
Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has seized on the tumult surrounding United States President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, sarcastically praising the Democrat for choosing his vice president as an “insurance policy” against him being replaced.
Addressing supporters in Miami, Florida on Tuesday, Trump said Biden had made the “brilliant decision” to appoint Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate to avoid any challenge to his faltering candidacy.
“If Joe had picked someone even halfway competent. They would have bounced him from office years ago, but they can’t because she’s got to be their second choice,” the former president said, claiming Democrats are having a “full-scale breakdown” over who should be the nominee.
Trump also challenged Biden to “redeem” himself after his stumbling debate performance last month by participating in another debate or a round of golf.
“Let’s do another debate this week so that sleepy Joe Biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president but this time, it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred, just name the place anytime, anywhere,” he said.