Trump's first week promise hit me hard on Chicago's South Side
Fox News
When I heard President Donald Trump’s simple words about returning to a colorblind and merit-based society, it struck me rather personally.
Pastor Corey Brooks, known as the "Rooftop Pastor," is the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago and the CEO of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), the church's local mission. He gained national attention for his 94-day and 343-day rooftop vigils to transform the notorious "O-Block," once known as Chicago's most dangerous block, into #OpportunityBlock. Learn more at ProjectHOOD.org.
One of the most famous examples was Samuel Fuller, who opened his cosmetic products business, Fuller Products, on 63rd Street. Fuller was born to Louisiana sharecroppers, dropped out of sixth grade due to poverty, and started selling products door-to-door. He moved to Chicago where he worked in a coal yard and then as an insurance representative before he decided to pursue his own business. He was so successful that he became the richest Black man in America.