Trump could end the gender crisis if he continues down this path
Fox News
The Biden administration's extreme gender ideology has been replaced by a saner approach under Trump. The president has the chance to enshrine his actions in law and protect women.
Surveys show the public is rejecting gender ideology in greater numbers each year. And now, they have a president willing to return our government to sanity. Kristen Waggoner is CEO, president and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom. Follow her on Twitter @KWaggonerADF or follow ADF @ADFLegal.
President Donald Trump has sparked a sea change in federal policy on this issue with three executive orders. The first, which came on Day 1, reoriented the entire federal bureaucracy toward biological reality. It required federal agencies to recognize biology as the basis for being male or female, ordered federal IDs to reflect biological sex, barred men from women’s federal prisons and instructed agencies to protect women’s privacy in sex-separated spaces like rape shelters. As we now know, that was just the beginning. On Jan. 28, the president signed an even more sweeping executive order aimed at ending the horrific practice of transitioning minors — or, as the executive order correctly puts it, "the chemical and surgical mutilation of children." The actions steps are vast, but key steps include: forbidding federal dollars from supporting transition drugs or surgeries for children; ending the government’s reliance on junk science from groups like the World Professional Association for Transgender Health who push these procedures on minors; defunding hospitals that perform these experiments on children; and, importantly, ordering a review of all studies on how best to help children struggling with gender dysphoria. Such a report, published and made available to scientists and the general public, would bring much-needed transparency to this issue, which has frequently been obscured by activists. It could also be pivotal in pushing U.S. medical groups away from their dogmatic insistence on medical transition for minors. Even the European nations that pioneered these experiments have now restricted them for children.