Trudeau checking if ‘all rules’ were followed in Hussen’s hiring of foodie firm
Global News
Trudeau says he's checking if 'all rules' were followed in two ministers' contracting a Toronto-based foodie firm after Global News' reporting into MP expenses.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s making sure “all rules” were followed in the decision to give $103,050 in contracts to a foodie firm with family ties to Housing Minister Ahmed Hussen’s senior staffer.
Global News reported Thursday that Hussen’s office awarded $93,050 in communications contracts to Munch More Media, a Toronto-based firm focused on the food and restaurant industry. The taxpayer funds came from his constituency office budget, not his ministerial budget.
The director of the company, Hiba Tariq, is sister to Hussen’s director of policy and close advisor, Tia Tariq.
On Friday, Global reported that Marci Ien, the minister of women and gender equality, also gave $10,000 in contracts from her constituency budget to Munch More Media.
“I know the minister (Hussen) has spoken to this and will continue to answer questions on this,” Trudeau said in a press conference on Monday in Hamilton.
Trudeau’s office has refused to answer questions about what they knew about the contract prior to Global News’ reporting, but sources have suggested it was an open secret within Liberal circles.
“My preoccupation is that the rules always be followed…. But also that members of Parliament continue to put a priority on connecting, communicating with Canadians,” Trudeau said.
Trudeau added that Hussen “is making sure that he’s answering our questions on this.”