Trudeau announces $10-a-day child care for Northwest Territories
Global News
It will cut child care fees in half beginning in March 2022, Trudeau said, and the fees will eventually decrease to $10 a day in five years' time in the territory.
The Northwest Territories is the latest region in Canada to come to an agreement with the federal government for $10-a-day child care, Prime Minister Justine Trudeau announced Wednesday.
The agreement will cut child care fees in half beginning in March 2022, Trudeau said, and the fees will eventually decrease to $10 a day in five years’ time in the territory.
The measure will save $9,500 a year in Yellowknife, according to Trudeau.
Families in the territory are currently paying an average of $38 a day for child care, Families Minister Karina Gould said.
“Child care is good for parents, it’s good for kids, but it’s also good for the economy,” Trudeau said, mentioning that the economy will have better growth as “more women join the workforce.”
Nine provinces and two territories have reached agreements on child care with the federal government to date, and the government is eyeing an agreement with Nunavut in the new year as well, Trudeau said.
“We’re ready to work together … to deliver $10-a-day, high-quality child care for every family in Canada,” he said.
The agreement will create 300 new spaces in the territory, according to Trudeau, and takes into consideration the “unique challenges” of the region.