Truckload of illegally cut trees seized in Karasur-Sedarapet area
The Hindu
The Forest Department has seized a truckload of country timber illegally cut from the Karasur-Sedarapet area.
Deputy Conservator of Forests Vanjulavalli Sridhar told The Hindu that timber was seized during an inspection conducted by the Forest Department to check complaints of illegal tree felling in the area. “We have noticed felling of a large number of trees in the area. We have seized a truckload of country timber. There are reports of teak and sandalwood trees being cut. Our team is still in the area conducting inspections, including in nearby industries. Summons have been issued to a few people for further investigation,” she said.
A case has been registered under the Indian Forest Act, 1927, and the Puducherry Timber Transit Rules, she said.