Tripura Says Vaccinated 80% Of Eligible Population With At Least One Dose
Data shows that 73 per cent of its healthcare workers and 56 per cent of its frontline workers have been given both the doses of the vaccine.
The Tripura government on Friday said it has inoculated 80 per cent of its eligible population with at least one dose of the anti-Covid vaccines. The state began vaccinating the 18-44 age group on May 13, several days after the start of the nationwide drive. The Tripura National Health Mission director, Siddhartha Shiv Jaiswal, said: "All of our healthcare and frontline workers have been vaccinated with the one dose. We have administered the first dose to 98 per cent of those aged above 45. Approximately, 80 per cent of the state's eligible population has been given at least one dose." The state had begun vaccinating its healthcare workers on January 16 this year. The inoculation of other frontline workers started on February 5.More Related News