Tracking time: on the upcoming TEDxNapierBridgeSalon
The Hindu
Talks on time and its connection with everything, from boredom to break-ups, is part of TEDxNapierBridgeSalon’s the ninth edition
After exploring the themes of magic and wonder earlier this year, TEDxNapierBridgeSalon is back this weekend to delve into the nuances of time. “These events usually focus on topics of interest to our local community. Time was chosen as this edition’s theme because time affects all of us, yet we don’t think about it. So, we thought that through this event, we could have conversations about the importance and effect(s) of time,” says Sanjeev Nivedan,curator, TEDxNapierBridgeSalon, a platform known to host TEDx conferences in Chennai.
Titled Hourglass: A brief afternoon on time, the ninth edition of TEDxNapierBridgeSalon will host five talks on topics ranging from relationships to the importance of boredom. The latter is among Sanjeev’s top picks. “The session on ‘how boredom can lead to creative brilliance’ shifts our perspective on boredom. We associate boredom with the opposite of time well spent, but this talk argues, with empirical evidence, how the opposite is true. It’s fun and enlightening,” he says.
Another session to look forward to is the visually stunning ‘The passing of time, caught in a single photo’ that looks into people’s obsession with wanting to capture every moment by taking photographs, and what the experience of sharing means.
Attendees will also get to meet clock collector Robert Kennedy, who is the event’s guest. A Guinness World Record aspirant, Robert owns over 2,200 pendulum clocks (including a few which date to the 1700s). He will also display some special collections at the event.
The event is on August 7 at Book Launch Hall, Anna Centenary Library, Kotturpuram, from 3 pm onwards. Tickets starting at ₹499 are available at https://bit.ly/tedx-hourglass

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