Town of Banff urges residents to remove fruit, trees after The Boss comes to visit
Global News
On Sept. 23, a large grizzly was seen eating crab apples that had fallen to the ground in a backyard.
The ursine equivalent of smelling an apple pie cool on a windowsill is what officials believe is the reason for a known grizzly bear to recently enter the Banff townsite.
On Sept. 23, a large grizzly was seen eating crab apples that had fallen to the ground in a backyard.
That bear was identified as Bear 122, or “The Boss,” as locals know him.
The Boss, weighing in at nearly 650 pounds, returned for the next couple of days, bluff-charging residents and continuing to feed on the apples.
Parks Canada staff used things like noise makers and flags to “haze” the bear, causing him to leave the townsite.
With the prolific visitor out of Banff, the town is trying to work with residents to manage things like fruit trees that might attract other visitors. The Town of Banff is offering free removal of fruit trees.
“In all cases, we’re really encouraging people to just take those trees down. They’re a pretty big wildlife attractant,” said Michael Hay, the Town of Banff’s manager of environment.
Things change if a bear gets into a tree on a resident’s property.