'Tough Times Call For Tough Leader': PM Modi Brings Up Ukraine in UP Polls
PM Modi slammed the Samajwadi Party for promoting nepotism and showering love on terrorists. SP's ally Jayant Chaudhary hit back at the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing an election rally in Uttar Pradesh, talked about the “global turmoil” and called for India to be stronger during such times. He was making reference to the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, which many western leaders said is the biggest crisis since the Cold War. आप देख रहे हैं कि इस समय दुनिया में कितनी उथल-पुथल मची हुई है।ऐसे में आज भारत का ताकतवर होना, भारत और पूरी मानवता के लिए बहुत जरूरी है।आज आपका एक-एक वोट भारत को ताकतवर बनाएगा।- पीएम @narendramodipic.twitter.com/EotILGdQ0O Modi bringing in Ukraine to #UttarPradeshElections2022 -Says ‘Tough times need tough leaders'.So convenient! Now Uttar Pradesh voters shouldn't ask for relief from spiralling electricity, petrol, diesel costs & for plan for economic development & jobs….
“You can see that there is so much turmoil in the world right now. In such a situation, it is very important for India and the entire humanity to be strong today. Today your every vote will make India strong,” PM Modi said in Bahraich on Tuesday.