Toronto to open warming centres as temperatures set to drop Saturday night
The City of Toronto is set to open its warming centres at 5 p.m. on Saturday as temperatures are expected to drop below zero overnight.
Temperatures in the city are expected to reach a low of -7 C Saturday night, and may feel like -12 C with wind chill overnight.
Warming centres are pet-friendly locations that provide resting spaces, meals, access to washroom facilities and referrals to emergency shelter.
Walk-ins are welcome, and if a warming centre is full, the city says it will arrange for transportation to another location.
Warming centres that are set to open are located at:
York Region also issued a cold weather alert Saturday for people experiencing homelessness.
People in the region who need shelter are asked to call the York Region Emergency Housing Central Intake Line at 1-877-464-9675, ext. 76140, which is a 24/7 phone line.
They can also contact the Street Outreach Van, which provides mobile services and supports for people experiencing homelessness, at 1-866-553-4053. The phone line operates from 2 p.m to 9 p.m.