Tom Cotton torches Biden's student debt handout: 'This will hurt so many Americans'
Fox News
Senator Tom Cotton (R) joined "Fox & Friends" to explain how Biden's loan forgiveness plan will put a larger financial burden on working Americans.
TOM COTTON: It's also deeply unfair. Just think about all the Arkansans who never went to college, who got a job, started a small business, a hair salon or a lawn service business. They're not getting their small business loans paid off. Think about all the people that went to college and worked, put themselves through college, whether they were working as a waiter or as a bartender. Think about the people who went to college and took out loans and paid it back, or who had parents who had saved for them and paid off their education. They are not going to benefit from this. In fact, they are hurt by it because they are now picking up the tab for $500 billion of other people's loans. There's no such thing as loan cancelation or loan forgiveness. It's just a matter of who pays it. Now it's hardworking taxpayers are going to be paying the bills for this, and that's just going to encourage university administrators to raise tuition higher and spend more money on needless jobs like schools with 160 different diversity coordinators. This is going to hurt so many Americans.