Tokyo 2020 isn't the first Olympic Games to battle a pandemic
Covid-19 has thrown more than a few curve balls at Tokyo Olympic organizers -- but this isn't the first Games to battle a pandemic.
A century ago, the 1920 Antwerp Olympics were held only a few months after the Spanish flu ravaged the world, killing at least 50 million people. In 2010, the Vancouver Olympics were threatened by an outbreak of H1N1. In 2016, the Zika virus prompted calls to cancel the Rio Games. And most recently in 2018, officials in Pyeongchang wrestled with an outbreak of the norovirus. Mass gatherings like the Olympics, that bring together people from all over the world, have always posed a huge infectious disease risk. Visitors bring viruses which may not be endemic to the host country and may take viral souvenirs home to their own communities.More Related News