TNEA2022 to start admission process from June 20
The Hindu
Counselling for general category students will start from August 22
Admission process for undergraduate engineering programmes through single window counselling system will commence from June 20.
Application forms can be downloaded from the Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA) website from that day.
This year too counselling will be an online process, according to a press release.
The last date to submit filled in application forms is July 19 and the TNEA2022 committee will release the random number for all applicants on July 22.
Certificate verification will be done at TNEA facilitation centres from July 20 to 31.
For special category candidates such as differently abled persons, sportsperson and wards of ex-servicemen counselling will be held online from August 16 to 18.
Merit list will be released on August 8 and counselling for general category candidates will begin on August 22 and end on October 14.