Tirunelveli Reader’s Mail
The Hindu
Tirunelveli Reader’s Mail
Clean LPG refills
Gas agencies deliver thousands of LPG cylinders every day to houses. But the cylinders are never cleaned before delivery. The cylinders are full of dust and are not in a good shape. Nowadays we are witnessing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19 and dengue. These uncleaned cylinders will definitely.aid in spreading the diseases So, I request the oil companies to deliver the cylinders only after cleaning. Further, the vans delivering the cylinders are making a huge rattling noise and create noise pollution. The noise must be kept in check by keeping rubber-like materials under the cylinders
N.N.S. Vellaisamy,
Fate of seized rice
Smuggling of huge quantities of ration rice from Kanniyakumari district to Kerala is reported often. Though the vehicles and the drivers are detained by the officials , such illegal activities go on unabated. Only the smuggling of ration rice is reported, but what happens thereafter to the tonnes of seized rice and whether any follow-up action like fixing of responsibility for this activity and any departmental disciplinary action is taken against any revenue officials and police officials is seldom reported. So, the disciplinary action initiated against the officials concerned along with what happened to the smuggled rice should also be reported so that it acts as a deterrent to stop further such activities.
A. Manoharan,