Time to fine snow-clearing contractors who leave Toronto in the cold, city councillors say
Toronto city council has asked staff to more rigourously police its $1.5 billion snow clearing program after last winter's service was plagued by complaints, equipment and personnel shortages and ran $26 million over budget.
Councillors adopted two reports on Thursday containing a long list of recommendations from Toronto's auditor general. Among them: that the city keep better records and use them to apply "liquidated damages," essentially fining contractors who don't provide service according to the terms of the 10-year deal.
City staff say they're already moving to make many of the changes suggested by the auditor and approved by council, including fining contractors at the beginning of this winter.
Charges range, but if a contractor is late leaving the city depot yard, for example, could be charged $200 per minute.
Councillor Jamaal Myers said the penalties need to be enforced.
"We're not going to wait to apply liquidated damages