'Time to end the forever war': US, allied troops to leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11
Gulf Times
(file photo) US soldiers stand in Maidan Shar, south of Kabul
* Biden says US objectives had become 'increasingly unclear' * US troop levels reached 100,000 in 2011; 2,500 there now * Troops under NATO command to withdraw at same President Joe Biden said on Wednesday US troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan starting May 1 to end America's longest war, rejecting calls for them to stay to ensure a peaceful resolution to that nation's grinding internal conflict. Foreign troops under NATO command will also withdraw from Afghanistan in coordination with the US pull-out, NATO allies agreed. The withdrawal of foreign troops will be completed by Sept 11. Around 7,000 non-US forces from mainly NATO countries, also from Australia, New Zealand and Georgia, outnumber the 2,500 US troops in Afghanistan, but they still rely on American air support, planning and leadership.More Related News